Making a Difference
-Educate students on the harms of plastic pollution and illegal dumping
-Inspire students and public to reduce single-use plastics and use reusable items
Coming Soon!
Trash destroys the environment, harms animals and people, costs lots of money to clean, and makes underdeveloped communities get ignored. People in underserved communities are more likely to live amongst trash, and the litter that accumulates in these areas can have serious health effects.
Communities that are underserved are more likely to be affected by microplastics, harmful pieces of plastic that harm oceans and wildlife, because the food they eat is more likely to be contaminated by microplastics, creating a health hazard. In addition to the physical problems, studies have also shown that litter can have a negative psychological impact on humans due to the emotional connection people have with nature. It is important to make sure that all communities have the resources to remove litter.
Coming Soon
-Educate the public on the harms of litter and host a litter pick up
-Educate and inspire public to reduce single-use plastics and use reusable
-Lobby your local or state government to enact or strengthen bans on commonly used single-use item
Our mission is to find solutions to the Plastic Pollution problems we are facing with our communities in Zanzibar. Our organization is called Youth of the United Nations Association (YUNA) and we are a youth led nongovernmental organization (NGO) that works to promote the UN objectives to improve the lives of youth in Zanzibar.
Our goal is to work in collaboration with other organizations and companies to promote a healthier environment focusing on education, environment, and health with the objective of finding solutions through innovation, partnerships, and youth engagement.